Brain Injury

Colorado Springs Brain Injury Attorney

Brain Injury

A brain injury, particularly a moderate or severe injury, can have long-lasting and life-altering effects. If you have a brain injury, you may spend months, or even years, relearning coordination, fine motor control, speech, or other physical or cognitive skills.

A severe brain injury can leave you with a permanent disability. To lead an independent, productive life, you may have to learn how to cope with diminished skills. In the most serious cases, a catastrophic brain injury can even leave you in need of daily care for the rest of your life.

If your brain injury was caused by someone else, you have legal options. Colorado law entitles you to seek compensation for your economic damages, for your pain, and for your lost quality of life.

Pursuing a brain injury claim can be a complex process. That is why the benefits of an experienced lawyer are necessary. Having competent legal representation will ensure you receive maximum compensation for your injuries and damages.

Ready? Contact Colorado Springs brain injury attorney Jeffrey Scott Lasswell, PC today to learn more about your rights and options.

When Can You File a Personal Injury Claim after a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Under Colorado’s statute of limitations, you have two or three years from the incident that caused your injury depending on the type of claim. With an attorney’s help, you can seek compensation from the party who caused your brain injury.

If you suffer a traumatic brain injury in a motor vehicle accident, you have three years from the date of your accident for a personal injury claim. If you fail to file your claim before the statute of limitations deadline a court can permanently dismiss your lawsuit. That means you forever lose your right to pursue compensation.

Common Causes of Brain Injuries

Many types of accidents can inflict a traumatic brain injury. Common causes of brain injuries in Colorado Springs include:

Compensation for a Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury caused by someone else’s negligence or recklessness may entitle you to compensation for damages that the injury caused. Those may damages include:

  • Costs of medical treatment, including hospital bills, surgery, physical and occupational rehab, prescription medication or mobility equipment
  • Costs of long-term care if you are left disabled by your brain injury
  • Lost wages caused by time away from work while you recover
  • Lost earning capacity, if your traumatic brain injury prevents your return to your pre-injury level of work income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost enjoyment or lost quality of life, for not being able to participate in activities you previously enjoyed

Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries can have numerous effects and symptoms. Some effects can appear immediately. Others may take days or even weeks to manifest. Symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury include:

  • Brief loss of consciousness
  • Feeling confused, dazed, or disoriented
  • Headache
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Fatigue or drowsiness
  • Speech issues
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Excessive sleeping
  • Dizziness or balance issues
  • Blurred vision
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Changes in the ability to smell
  • Memory or concentration issues
  • Mood changes or mood swings
  • Feelings of anxiety or depression

Symptoms of moderate and severe traumatic brain injuries include:

  • Loss of consciousness for up to several hours
  • Persistent or worsening headache
  • Repeated vomiting or nausea
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • Dilation of the pupils
  • Clear fluids draining from the nose or ears
  • Inability to be awakened from sleep
  • Weakness or numbness in fingers and toes
  • Coordination issues
  • Profound confusion
  • Agitation or other unusual behavior
  • Slurred speech
  • Coma or other disorders of consciousness

Get Started with your CaseCall Us at (719) 635-1245

Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury

Treatment for traumatic brain injuries is based on their severity. Mild traumatic brain injuries typically require no treatment beyond rest and over-the-counter pain medications for headaches.

People with mild traumatic brain injuries may need time away from physical or cognitive tasks, including school or work. They should be monitored for persistent or worsening symptoms. Worsening symptoms may indicate a more severe traumatic brain injury or complications from the injury.

Treatment for moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries begins with emergency medical treatment to ensure adequate blood and oxygen supply to the brain. Other treatments may include:

  • Medications to prevent secondary damage, including diuretics to reduce the amount of fluid in the brain tissue, anti-seizure drugs, or coma-inducing drugs if necessary, to cope with reduced blood and oxygen flow to the brain
  • Surgery to remove blood clots, repair skull fractures, open a window in the skull to relieve pressure in the cranium, or stop brain bleeding
  • Rehabilitation, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, or other therapy to help cope with cognitive or behavioral changes caused by a traumatic brain injury

Types of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries fall into two major categories: traumatic brain injuries and acquired brain injuries. Traumatic brain injuries arise from some force or impact on the head or brain tissue. Acquired brain injuries result from a medical condition such as an infection, degenerative disease, tumor or stroke.

Types of traumatic brain injuries include:

  • Concussion, or trauma arising from impact or sudden movement
  • Contusion, or a bruise on the brain from bleeding
  • Diffuse axonal injury, caused by shaking or strong rotation of the head
  • Penetration, due to the impact of a bullet, knife, or another object

Types of acquired brain injuries include:

  • Anoxic injury, which occurs when the brain receives no oxygen or is blocked from being able to use oxygen
  • Hypoxic injury, which occurs when the brain receives some but not enough oxygen, usually due to a lack of blood flow to the brain or a reduction in blood pressure

Talk to a Colorado Springs Brain Injury Attorney Now

If you or a loved one have suffered a brain injury in Colorado Springs due to no fault of your own, you deserve compensation for your injury and for the damages you have incurred. An experienced Colorado Springs personal injury lawyer can help you secure the full, fair financial recovery you need and deserve.

Contact Jeffrey Scott Lasswell, PC today to schedule a free consultation about your legal rights and options following your brain injury.