Injured in a Bicycle Accident?

Bicycle Accident Attorney in Colorado Springs

Bicycle Accidents

Many of us ride bicycles as a form of recreation or exercise. A few of us use a bicycle as a regular means of transportation. Despite the frequent appearance of bicycles on Colorado’s roads, some motorists fail to share the streets and roads with cyclists. As a result, bicyclists face a significant risk of being severely injured in an accident.

Have you or a loved one been harmed in a bicycle accident? Was the accident caused by the negligence or recklessness of another party? If so, you deserve to seek financial compensation for your injuries and damages.

Jeffrey Scott Lasswell, PC can help you fight for your rights after a bicycle accident in Colorado Springs. His goal is to secure the financial reward you need to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering and other damages.

How a Colorado Springs Bicycle Accident Attorney Can Help You

When you have a bicycle accident in Colorado Springs, an experienced bicycle accident lawyer can help you pursue your legal claim. An accident lawyer will maximize the value of your financial recovery by:

  • Thoroughly investigating your accident to collect evidence
  • Consulting with experts to build a strong, persuasive legal argument
  • Identifying at-fault parties and sources of compensation, such as insurance coverage
  • Aggressively negotiating with the insurance companies to settle your claim for full and fair compensation
  • Preparing your case to go to court and to trial, if necessary, and skillfully advocating on your behalf for a verdict in your favor

Compensation for Bicycle Accident Injuries

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to seek compensation. That compensation should come from the party who caused your accident.

Compensation for a bicycle accident injury claim could include these damages:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Costs of long-term personal care
  • Lost wages and earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost quality of life
  • Damaged or destroyed property

How Long Do You Have to File a Bicycle Accident Claim?

Under Colorado’s statute of limitations, you have two years from the date of your bicycle accident in which to file a lawsuit. A lawsuit allows you to seek compensation for personal injuries. If your bicycle accident involved a motor vehicle, you have three years from the date of your accident to file your lawsuit.

If you do not file suit before the expiration of the limitations period applicable to your case, the court may permanently dismiss your lawsuit. When that happens, you lose your right to seek compensation from the at-fault party.

Get Started with your CaseCall Us at (719) 635-1245

Tips for Protecting Your Rights After a Bicycle Accident

After you have been involved in a bicycle accident in Colorado Springs, take these steps to protect your legal rights. Protecting those rights puts you in the best position for seeking financial compensation from those responsible for the accident:

  1. Call 911 for emergency medical assistance, if necessary.
  2. Contact the police to have an officer come to the scene and prepare an accident report.
  3. Get the contact and insurance information of all other drivers involved in the accident.
  4. Photograph or video the accident scene, if possible. Also take a picture of any visible injuries you have suffered.
  5. Follow up with your doctor or another medical provider as soon as possible after your accident. A doctor can diagnose any injuries you suffered.
  6. Speak to a bicycle accident attorney as soon as possible. You will learn more about your legal rights and options for pursuing compensation for your injuries and damages.

Bicycle Accident FAQs

Here are some answers to questions that victims often have about bicycle accidents and filing a claim. Contact our law firm to discuss the details of your case and get answers to your questions.

Bicycle Accident

What should I do if an insurance company offers me a settlement?

If you receive a settlement offer from the insurance company shortly after your bicycle accident, speak at once with an experienced bicycle accident attorney. The attorney can review your settlement offer. The settlement offer from the insurance company rarely represents the full compensation you need or deserve. The offer is rarely the maximum amount of compensation the insurance company may be willing to offer.

The insurance company is relying on your need to pay bills soon after your accident. The company wants you to accept cash now, so that they can limit the amount of money they are obligated to pay you. An attorney can advise you as to whether a settlement offer is full and fair compensation for your injuries and damages. The attorney can potentially negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to obtain a fairer settlement offer.

Who will pay my medical bills?

The party or parties at fault for your bicycle accident should compensate you for your medical bills. However, it can take months or years to resolve a legal claim against an at-fault party. In the meantime, payment of your medical costs may come from you own insurance coverage.

Your medical treatments may be covered by your personal health insurance policy. If you have a car insurance policy, you may be entitled to seek benefits under the Med Pay coverage if your bicycle accident was caused by a collision with a motor vehicle.

What if the driver is saying the accident is my fault?

Even if you are partially at fault for your accident, you may still be entitled to recover compensation. Colorado follows a comparative negligence rule. That rule states that an injured party is not barred from recovering compensation so long as their share of fault is not greater than the combined fault of all other responsible parties.

In other words, you may be able to receive compensation as long as you are not more than 50 percent responsible for your bicycle accident. However, if you are found to be partially responsible for your accident and injuries, your compensation will be reduced by a percentage representing your share of fault.

How much does it cost to hire a lawyer for a bike accident?

Most bicycle accident attorneys handle cases for injured victims on a contingency-fee basis. This means the client does not owe any money to the attorney unless and until the lawyer secures compensation for the client. The attorney’s fee is usually calculated as a percentage of the client’s total compensation, along with any case expenses paid for by the attorney. The contingency fee and expenses are deducted from the money the client receives from the at-fault party or insurance company.  

Talk to a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Colorado Springs Now

Have you or a loved one been injured in a bicycle accident in Colorado Springs? You may be entitled to pursue compensation for your injuries and damages. That compensation comes from those responsible for your accident. Do not wait another day to begin pursuing your bicycle accident claim.

Contact Colorado Springs bicycle accident lawyer Jeffrey Scott Lasswell today. You can schedule a free consultation to discuss the details of your accident. Learn more about your legal rights and options for pursuing financial recovery.