Car Accident Attorney in Colorado Springs

A car accident can turn your life upside down in an instant. You may find yourself with serious, life-altering injuries. You find yourself unable to earn a living or participate in activities you previously enjoyed.
When someone else’s negligence or recklessness caused your car accident, you may be entitled to hold that party accountable. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and losses.
Pursuing compensation in a car accident claim can be a complicated undertaking. Your case may involve complex evidence. You may discover that the insurance companies are refusing to pay what you believe is full and fair compensation.
You need aggressive, experienced legal representation on your side. Contact Colorado Springs car accident attorney Jeffrey Scott Lasswell, PC today. You can schedule a consultation to learn more about your rights and options following your accident. You will learn how an experienced attorney can help you secure maximum compensation in your case.
How a Colorado Springs Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You
After you have been involved in a car accident through no fault of your own, Colorado Springs car accident attorney Jeffrey Scott Lasswell can help you seek monetary compensation from those responsible for your accident.
Attorney Jeffrey Scott Lasswell is prepared to:
- Investigate your car accident to uncover evidence for your legal claim.
- Work with experts to determine how your accident occurred and what caused it.
- Identify potentially liable parties.
- Locate the sources of compensation available to you (including Med Pay coverage or uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage under your auto policy).
- Negotiate with the insurance companies to efficiently settle your claim and pursue the full and fair monetary compensation you deserve.
- Prepare your case for trial, if necessary, and advocate on your behalf for a verdict in your favor.
Having a skilled car accident attorney on your side will give you the best chance at securing the maximum compensation you need and deserve.
Compensation in a Car Accident Claim
When you have been in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence or recklessness, you may be entitled to seek compensation for your injuries and damages. The compensation may include:
- Past and future medical expenses, including hospital bills, surgeries, doctor’s office visits, prescription medication, physical and occupational therapy, mobility or medical equipment, or long-term personal care
- Lost wages for time missed from work
- Lost earning capacity, if your injuries keep you from your old job and you suffer reduced income as a result
- Loss of enjoyment or quality of life because of disabilities or physical disfigurement
- Pain and suffering
- Repair of your damaged vehicle or payment for a totaled vehicle
Time Limit for Filing a Car Accident Lawsuit
Under Colorado law, you have a limited period, known as the statute of limitations, to file a personal injury claim. In Colorado, the statute of limitations is three years from the date of the car accident.
If you miss that deadline, the court can permanently dismiss your case. When that happens, you forever lose your right to seek compensation from the responsible parties.
Steps to Take after an Accident
If you have been involved in a car accident in Colorado, take these steps to protect your rights and interests. By doing so, you will be in a better position to pursue a claim for compensation:
- Call 911 or report your accident to the police. If someone was injured or appears to be in distress, call 911 to summon emergency medical services. Otherwise, contact the police department directly. An officer will come and prepare a police accident report. The report may become critical evidence in a later car accident claim.
- Get contact and insurance information from the other drivers. This will give you the information you need for a claim against any available insurance policies.
- Get contact information or a short statement from any eyewitnesses. Eyewitnesses can provide a neutral, third-party perspective on how the accident occurred.
- Document the accident scene. If possible, take photographs or video of the damage to the vehicles in the accident. Photograph skid marks on the road, the traffic controls at the scene and the weather, lighting, and road and traffic conditions at the time of the accident. Also photograph any visible injuries you have.
- Notify your insurance company of the accident. You may have a short time to notify your insurer of any accident you have been in, even if you were not at fault for the accident. You may be eligible for compensation under your Med Pay or uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.
- Seek medical treatment. Follow up with a doctor, even if you do not feel as though you were injured in the accident. Pain and symptoms of injuries may take days or weeks to manifest. However, a doctor may examine you and identify those injuries. That will strengthen your claim for compensation on those injuries.
- Speak with a car accident attorney. An experienced attorney can help you understand your legal rights and options following your accident. The attorney can also start the claims process on your behalf.
Get Started with your CaseCall Us at (719) 635-1245
Car Accident FAQs
Car Accident
Who will pay for my medical expenses after a car accident?
If you have been injured in a car accident that was someone else’s fault, that party should be held responsible for compensating you for the medical expenses you incur in the care and treatment of your injuries. Of course, a car accident claim can take time to resolve, as bills for your medical expenses pile up. While you are waiting to resolve your legal claim, you may be able to cover your medical costs through Med Pay coverage under your car insurance policy (assuming you did not opt-out of this coverage) or through your personal health insurance policy (unless your health insurer expressly excludes coverage for treatments related to a motor vehicle accident).
What should I say to the insurance adjuster?
Ideally, you should decline to talk directly with the insurance adjuster and should instead direct the insurance company to submit all communications to your attorney; the insurance adjuster will be looking to use anything you say as a basis to deny your claim or pay you less than the full compensation you deserve. If you have to talk to an insurance adjuster for any reason, you should limit yourself to the accident’s facts as you remember them. You should also avoid trying to assign blame or apologizing for the accident.
How much is my car accident case worth?
The amount of compensation you may receive from your car accident claim will depend on several factors, including the severity of your injury, how long you were out of work, whether you can still perform your old job, and the amount of insurance coverage available to you. If you suffered severe injuries that require extensive treatment and care, missed a significant amount of time from work, and have experienced a reduction in the quality of your life, your car accident case may be worth considerably more than someone who suffered injuries that healed relatively quickly.
How long will my case take to resolve?
Determining how long your case will take will depend on several factors, including whether the other party is denying liability for the accident and the complexity of your injuries and damages. If the other driver does not contest liability and you suffered less severe injuries, your case may only take a couple of months to resolve. However, if liability is being contested or you have ongoing damages due to your injuries, your case may take longer, especially if it becomes necessary to file a complaint in court or go to trial.
What if I am partly at fault for my car accident?
Colorado follows the comparative negligence rule in car accident cases. This means that you will not be barred from seeking compensation even if you were partly responsible for your car accident, so long as your share of fault does not exceed 50 percent. However, your recovery will be reduced to reflect your percentage of responsibility for your accident. For example, if you suffered $100,000 in damages and were 25 percent responsible for your car accident, your recovery will be reduced by $25,000 to reflect your share of fault.
Will my case settle or go to trial?
The vast majority of car accident cases settle long before trial; many are settled even before a complaint is filed in court. Several factors can affect whether your case will settle or go to trial, including whether liability is being contested, the amount of damages you have incurred, or whether you are still undergoing treatment for your injuries. Although settling your case is preferred as a more efficient method of getting you the compensation you need, it may be necessary to go to trial in your case to give you the best chance at securing full and fair compensation for your injuries and damages.
How do car accident lawyers get paid?
Car accident lawyers are typically paid on a contingency fee basis. This means that the attorney does not get paid unless and until he or she recovers compensation for the client. In contingency fee arrangements, the attorney or law firm will also typically advance expenses for the case, such as expert witnesses or court filing fees. If the attorney recovers compensation for the client, his or her fee (usually calculated as a percentage of the total recovery) and any case expenses the attorney has paid for are deducted from the recovery, with the balance turned over to the client.
Types of Car Accidents
Car accidents may be categorized into one of several different types, such as for example:
- Rear-end, when one vehicle runs into the back of another. The driver in the rear vehicle will usually be at fault
- Sideswipe, when the side of one vehicle impacts with another vehicle
- T-bone, when one vehicle collides with the side of another vehicle (forming a “T” shape)
- Head-on, when both vehicles collide nose to nose
- Roll-over, when a vehicle flips over onto its roof (and may continue rolling onto its side or back onto its tires)
- Multi-vehicle pile-up, usually arising due to a chain-reaction of accidents started by an accident or collision involving one or two vehicles.
Causes of Car Accidents
Car accidents in Colorado have many causes. Many car accidents are caused by the negligence or recklessness of one or more motorists. Some car accidents happen for reasons other than an accident with another car. There may be issues with the road itself.
Some common causes of car accidents include:
- Speeding
- Distracted driving, such as from cell phones, car radio/entertainment systems, eating and drinking, grooming or putting on makeup, or interacting with other passengers or pets inside the vehicle
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Tailgating or following too closely
- Fatigued or drowsy driving
- Failing to obey traffic signs
- Wrong-way driving
- Defective auto parts
- Poor road conditions, such as broken pavement, potholes, debris and trash on the roadway.
- Weather-related conditions, such as standing water or black ice
Talk to a Colorado Springs Car Accident Attorney Now
Have you or a loved one been involved in a car accident in Colorado Springs through no fault of your own? You may be entitled to seek financial compensation from those responsible for your accident.
Let an experienced Colorado Spring car accident attorney help you secure the maximum compensation you deserve. Contact Jeffrey Scott Lasswell, PC today to schedule an initial case evaluation. You will learn more about your legal rights and options. You will also learn how a skilled attorney can help you successfully pursue your car accident claim.